WordPress databasefout: [Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_ed8_0); waiting for someone to free some space...] SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wp_sm_sessions`
WordPress databasefout: [Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_ed8_0); waiting for someone to free some space...] SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') AND tr.object_id IN (1467) ORDER BY t.name ASC
WordPress databasefout: [Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_ed8_0); waiting for someone to free some space...] SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('nav_menu') AND tr.object_id IN (67, 74, 1652, 2200, 86, 915, 7824, 8108, 85, 84, 75, 1040, 1105, 1104, 1103, 1102, 1101, 2521, 1100, 1099, 1098, 962, 1134, 4841, 1133, 1132, 1131, 1130, 1129, 1128, 2976, 2613, 8041, 2528, 1127, 3132, 6450, 963, 1150, 1149, 1147, 5246, 2600) ORDER BY t.name ASC
WordPress databasefout: [Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_ed8_0); waiting for someone to free some space...] SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('nav_menu') AND tr.object_id IN (95, 2398, 2395, 2396, 2397, 2389, 2388, 1246, 92) ORDER BY t.name ASC
WordPress databasefout: [Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_ed8_0); waiting for someone to free some space...] SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('nav_menu') AND tt.count > 0 ORDER BY t.name ASC
WordPress databasefout: [Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_ed8_0); waiting for someone to free some space...] SELECT wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id ) WHERE 1=1 AND (
( wp_postmeta.meta_key = '_wp_page_template' AND wp_postmeta.meta_value = 'index.php' )
) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'page' AND ((wp_posts.post_status = 'publish')) GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC
WordPress databasefout: [Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_ed8_0); waiting for someone to free some space...] SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') AND tr.object_id IN (8934, 8936, 8939) ORDER BY t.name ASC
WordPress databasefout: [Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_ed8_0); waiting for someone to free some space...] SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category') AND tr.object_id IN (1467) ORDER BY t.name ASC
WordPress databasefout: [Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_ed8_0); waiting for someone to free some space...] SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category') AND t.term_id NOT IN (1) ORDER BY t.name ASC
Per 1 januari 2018 is een en ander gewijzigd in de behandelmodules binnen de VVR (Verhoogd Vasculair Risico) keten. Er is sprake van meer differentiatie in controlefrequentie afhankelijk van stabiliteit van de patiënt. Het verschil in start- en vervolgjaar bestaat niet meer.
Bij de eerstvolgende controle in 2018 van de VVR patiënt, dient deze te worden ingedeeld in de juiste module. Het stroomschema kan hulp bieden bij het bepalen van de juiste module. Ook wordt aangegeven welke zorg gecontracteerd is binnen de verschillende modules.
Zie voor meer informatie het nieuwsbericht van 9 januari jl.
WordPress databasefout: [Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_ed8_0); waiting for someone to free some space...] SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category') ORDER BY t.name ASC